UPDATE ♥ Heart now radiating animated beams of love! ♥ Adjust the shape by typing or dragging horizontally on the inputs then save the SVG file! Shift-drag for 10x adjustment. The first fields are sca…
_=Math;z=document;$=window;A=_.abs;S=_.sin;C=_.cos;P=_.pow;Y=N=R=360;k=K=200;V=M=E=2;F=-2.5;o=H=G=.78;z.c=z.createElement,g="value",c.height=D=0,Q=z.c(g);b.i=b.appendChild;b.i(Q);b.style.background="#cef";s=function(){W='<svg height=\"600\">';Z=T()+"</svg>";Q.innerHTML=W+T(777)+Z+"<a target='_new' href='data:image/svg+xml;utf8,"+W+Z+"'>ctrl+click > save as</a> "};T=function(X){U="";H+=0.02;X?(Y=R*2,V=k=X,w=H):(Y=N,V=M,k=K,w=o);for(i=0;i<=Y;i++){q=v=0,p=i*6.3/Y;r=P(P(A(C(V*p/4-w)),F)+P(A(S(V*p/4-w)),G),1/E);(A(r))&&(r=1/r,q=r*C(p)*k,v=r*S(p)*k);q+=430;v+=280;U+=(i?"L":"M")+q+" "+v;}return'<path fill="'+(X?"cyan":"deeppink")+'" stroke="white" d="'+(U||"M0 0L1 1")+'Z"/>';};for(i=0;i<6;i++){(function(){var t=z.c("input"),B="KNMEFG".split("")[t.i=i];t.v=B;t[g]=$[B];t.style.cursor="col-resize";b.i(t);t.onkeyup=b.onmouseup=t.onmousedown=function(v){(v.which-1)?$[B]=t[g]:D?D=0:this==t&&(D=t,e=D[g],X=v.screenX)},b.onmousemove=function(v){D&&($[D.v]=D[g]=e*1+(v.screenX-X)*(v.shiftKey?2.5:.25))}}())}setInterval(s,60)
_ = Math;
z = document;
$ = window;
A = _.abs;
S = _.sin;
C = _.cos;
P = _.pow;
Y = N = R = 360; //x and y offset and 1/2 canvas size
// drawing params preset to make a heart
k = K = 200; // scale
V = M = E = 2; // M number of sides, E = n1
F = -2.5; // n2
o = H = G = .78; // G = n3, o,H = rotation
// saving some space
z.c = z.createElement,
g = "value",
c.height = D = 0, // hide the canvas and use D to track mousedown for drag state,
Q = z.c(g); // create a dom node that will hold our svg that we can repeatedly call innerHTML on (reusing an arbitrary string for the node type works fine)
b.i = b.appendChild; // save some space
b.i(Q); // add the holder for our svg
b.style.background = "#cef";
// our string builder so that we can have a super cool bursting background behind the heart
s = function() {
W = '<svg height=\"600\">';
Z = T()+"</svg>";
Q.innerHTML = W+T(777)+Z+"<a target='_new' href='data:image/svg+xml;utf8,"+W+Z+"'>ctrl+click > save as</a> "
T = function(X) {
U = "";
// if given an arg for x draw a different shape than that defined by the main shape globals
X ? (Y=R*2,V=k=X,w=H) : (Y=N,V=M,k=K,w=o);
// draw loop
for (i=0;i<=Y;i++) {
// supershape formula thanks paul! http://paulbourke.net/geometry/supershape/
// replaced PI*2 with an approximate value, replace a and b with 1
q = v = 0, p = i*6.3/Y;
r = P(P(A(C(V * p / 4-w)),F)+P(A(S(V * p / 4-w)),G),1/E);
(A(r)) && (r = 1 / r, q = r * C(p)*k, v = r * S(p)*k);
q += 430; // x + offset
v += 280; // y + offset
// draw it
U += (i? "L" : "M") + q+" "+v; // build the svg path string
// transform="rotate(90,460,340)"
return '<path fill="'+(X?"cyan":"deeppink")+'" stroke="white" d="'+(U||"M0 0L1 1")+'Z"/>';
// create the inputs
for (i=0;i<6;i++) {
(function() {
var t = z.c("input"), // create our input field
B = "KNMEFG".split("")[t.i = i]; // what global do we update with this iteration
t.v = B; // record the id of our global for lookup like: window[id]
t[g] = $[B]; // copy global to input
t.style.cursor = "col-resize";
b.i(t); // append the input
//draggable inputs
t.onkeyup = b.onmouseup = t.onmousedown = function(v) {
(v.which-1) ? // which == 1 if we use the mouse and something bigger when typing
$[B] = t[g] // keyup handler, update as you type
D ? // we dragging?
D=0 // if so stop it
this==t && (D=t, e=D[g], X=v.screenX) // else start dragging, record our start x
b.onmousemove = function(v) {
//update the input, the global and the shape, allow for shift+drag to do 10x faster adjustment
D && ($[D.v] = D[g] = e*1 + (v.screenX-X) * (v.shiftKey ? 2.5 : .25))
setInterval(s,60) // initial draw