The script executes given L-system code and generates fractals on the screen. This is the Hilbert curve:
d=document;c.setAttribute("style","float:left;margin:9px");e=d.createElement("div");e.innerHTML='<a target="_blank" href="">L-system\u02c0</a>:<br><textarea id="l" rows=6 cols=34>iters:5\nangle:45\nstart:"X"\nX:"+ff++f++f--f++f++ff"\nf:"fff[-ffX][+fX]"</textarea><br><input type="submit" onclick="g()">';b.appendChild(e);
The script executes given L-system code and generates fractals on the screen. This is the Hilbert curve:
iters: 7
angle: 90
start: "L"
L: "-Rf+LfL+fR-"
R: "+Lf−RfR−fL+"
"iters" if the number of iterations. "angle" is the turning angle in degrees. "start" is the initial axiom. Other lines are the rewrite rules. Supported operators are +− for turning, lowercase letters for drawing, and [] for push and pop.
For more examples, see:
d = document;
c.setAttribute("style", "float:left;margin:9px");
e = d.createElement("div");
e.innerHTML = '<a target="_blank" href="">L-systemˀ</a>:<br>'
+ '<textarea id="l" rows=6 cols=34>iters:5\nangle:45\nstart:"X"\nX:"+ff++f++f--f++f++ff"\nf:"fff[-ffX][+fX]"</textarea><br>'
+ '<input type="submit" onclick="g()">'
g = function () { // go
with (Math) {
// Clear and resize the canvas;
w = c.width = c.height = 500; // width
// Parse the L-system.
s = eval("({" + d.getElementById("l").value.trim().replace(/\n/g, ",") + "})"); // lsystem
t = s.angle / 180 * PI; // theta
q = s.start; // sequence
// Generate the sequence.
for (i = 0; i < s.iters; ++i){
m = ""; // temporary
for (j = 0; j < q.length;) {
r = s[h = q[j++]]; // rewrite, character
m += r ? r : h;
q = m;
// Define the execute function.
u = function (k, l) { // execute, line callback, move callback
S = []; // stack
x = y = p = i = 0; // x, y, alpha
for (; i < q.length;) {
h = q[i++];
h == "+" ? p += t
: h == "-" | h == "−" ? p -= t
: h == "[" ? S.push([x, y, p])
: h == "]" ? (o = S.pop(), x = o[0], y = o[1], p = o[2], eval(l))
: h == h.toLowerCase() ? (x += cos(p), y -= sin(p), eval(k))
: 0;
A = B = C = D = 0; // minX, maxX, minY, maxY
u("A=min(x,A);B=max(x,B);C=min(y,C);D=max(y,D)", 0);
P = B - A; // deltaX
Q = D - C; // deltaY
f = min(w / P, w / Q); // factor
with (a) {
strokeStyle = "#C03";
scale(f, f);
-A - P / 2 + w / 2 / f,
-C - Q / 2 + w / 2 / f);
lineWidth = 1 / f;
u("a.lineTo(x,y)", "a.moveTo(x,y)");