f=b.style;f.margin="0px";f.overflow="hidden";i=window,j=i.innerWidth,k=i.innerHeight,m=Math,n=m.sin,q=m.cos,r=0,s=[],Z=128;c.width=j;c.height=k;for(var u=0;256>u;u++)s[u]="rgb(255,"+~~(Z-.5*u)+","+(255-u)+")",s[u+256]="rgb(255,"+(255-u)+",255)";function v(o,e,d,p){return m.sqrt((o-d)*(o-d)+(e-p)*(e-p))}a.globalAlpha=.2;setInterval("function o(d,e){var g=32*(n(v(d+l,e,Z,Z)/8)+n(v(d-l,e,64,64)/8)+n(v(d,e+l/7,192,64)/7)+n(v(d,e,192,100)/8)+4),h=.25*(Z*n(.0625*d)+256+Z*n(.03125*e)+Z+Z*n(.125*v(d+l,e-l,j,k))+Z+Z*n(.125*m.sqrt(d*d+e*e)));return t*g+(1-t)*h}e=80*(k/j),d=j/80,p=k/e,l=Date.now()/64,t=n(.05*l);r++;for(var w=-d/8+m.random()*d/4,h=0,g;h<e;h++)for(g=0;80>g;g++)a.fillStyle=s[~~(o(g,h)+r)%512],a.fillRect(g*d+w,h*p+w,d,p);e=m.abs(t*(j/64));for(d=0;100>d;d+=.25)g=16*m.pow(n(d),3),h=13*q(d)-5*q(2*d)-2*q(3*d)-q(4*d),a.fillStyle=s[512-~~(o(g,h)+r)%512],a.fillRect(g*e+j/2,-h*e+k/2,8,8)",25);
// borderless window client area
var docstyle=b.style;
docstyle.margin = "0px";
docstyle.overflow = "hidden";
// init vars, get dimensions of window and resize the canvas to fit
var win = window,
width = win.innerWidth,
height = win.innerHeight,
M = Math,
Sin = M.sin,
Cos = M.cos,
paletteoffset = 0,
palette = [];
for (var i=0; i<256; i++)
palette[i] = "rgb(255," + ~~(128-(i*.5)) + "," + (255-i) + ")";
palette[i+256] = "rgb(255," + (255-i) + ",255)";
var dist = function dist(a, b, c, d)
return M.sqrt((a - c) * (a - c) + (b - d) * (b - d));
// animation frame rendering function
a.globalAlpha = 0.2;
var pw = 80, ph = pw * (height/width), // plasma source width and height
vpx = width/pw, vpy = height/ph; // scale the plasma source to the canvas width/height
var time = Date.now() / 64; // time function
var mix = Sin(time*0.05);
var colour = function colour(x, y)
// mix between two plasma functions using a sine wave
var f1 = ((Sin(dist(x + time, y, 128.0, 128.0) / 8.0)
+ Sin(dist(x - time, y, 64.0, 64.0) / 8.0)
+ Sin(dist(x, y + time / 7, 192.0, 64) / 7.0)
+ Sin(dist(x, y, 192.0, 100.0) / 8.0)) + 4) * 32;
var f2 = (128 + (128 * Sin(x * 0.0625)) +
128 + (128 * Sin(y * 0.03125)) +
128 + (128 * Sin(dist(x + time, y - time, width, height) * 0.125)) +
128 + (128 * Sin(M.sqrt(x * x + y * y) * 0.125)) ) * 0.25;
return (mix * f1) + ((1 - mix) * f2);
paletteoffset++; // cycle speed
var jitter = -vpx/8 + M.random()*vpx/4; // Jitter = 4
for (var y=0,x; y<ph; y++)
for (x=0; x<pw; x++)
// map plasma pixels to canvas pixels using the virtual pixel size
a.fillStyle = palette[~~(colour(x, y) + paletteoffset) % 512];
a.fillRect(x * vpx + jitter, y * vpy + jitter, vpx, vpy);
for (var x,y,p,z=M.abs(mix*(width/64)),t=0; t<100; t+=0.25)
x = 16*M.pow(Sin(t),3);
y = 13*Cos(t) - 5*Cos(2*t) - 2*Cos(3*t) - Cos(4 *t);
a.fillStyle = palette[512-(~~(colour(x, y) + paletteoffset) % 512)];
a.fillRect(x*z + width/2, -y*z + height/2, 8, 8);
}, 25);