function markdown(f){for(var b="</code></pre>",c="blockquote>",e="(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n|$)",d="(.+?)"+e,a=[],h=["&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)","&","<","<",">",">","^(?:\\t| {4})"+d,function(i,j){return a.push(j+"\n")&&"\0"},"^"+d+"=+"+e,"<h1>$1</h1>\n","^"+d+"-+"+e,"<h2>$1</h2>\n","^(#+)\\s*"+d,function(i,l,k,j){return"<h"+(j=l.length)+">"+k.replace(/#+$/,"")+"</h"+j+">\n"},"(?:\\* \\* |- - |\\*\\*|--)[-*][-* ]*"+e,"<hr/>\n"," +"+e,"<br/>","^ *(\\* |\\+ |- |\\d+. )"+d,function(i,l,k,j){return"<"+(j=/^\d/.test(l)?"ol>":"ul>")+"<li>"+markdown(k)+"</li></"+j},"</(ul|ol)>\\s*<\\1>","","([_*]{1,2})([^\\2]+?)(\\1)",function(i,l,k,j){return"<"+(j=l.length==2?"strong>":"em>")+k+"</"+j},"\\[(.+?)\\]\\((.+?) (\"|')(.+?)(\\3)\\)",'<a href="$2" title="$4">$1</a>',"^> "+d,function(i,j){return"<"+c+markdown(j)+"</"+c},"</"+c+"\\s*<"+c,"","(`{1,2})([^\\r\\n]+?)\\1","<code>$2</code>","\\0",function(i){return"<pre><code>"+a.shift()+b},b+"\\s*<pre><code>",""],g=0;g<h.length;){f=f.replace(RegExp(h[g++],"gm"),h[g++])}return f};
* An almost fully implemented markdown parser in less than 1025 bytes
* @example markdown(node.textContent || textarea.value || genericString)
* @param {string} input the generic text to parse via markdown
* @return {string} the input as html
function markdown(input) {"use strict";
* @license (C) WebReflection - Mit Style
// some common RegExp shortcut
CODE_PRE = "</code></pre>",
BLOCKQUOTE = "blockquote>",
NL = "(?:\\r\\n|\\r|\\n|$)",
ANYTHING = "(.+?)" + NL,
// temporary container for code blocks ... these won't be parsed
L = [],
// list of search, replacement for the given input
re = [
// make HTML safe
"&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)", "&", "<", "<", ">", ">",
// drop code blocks from the input, no parsing required
"^(?:\\t| {4})" + ANYTHING, function(m, s){return L.push(s + "\n") && "\0"},
// parse H1 and H2
"^" + ANYTHING + "=+" + NL, "<h1>$1</h1>\n",
"^" + ANYTHING + "-+" + NL, "<h2>$1</h2>\n",
// parse H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 with other notation
"^(#+)\\s*" + ANYTHING, function(m, c, s, t){
return "<h" + (t = c.length) + ">" + s.replace(/#+$/, "") + "</h" + t + ">\n"
// parse HR lines
"(?:\\* \\* |- - |\\*\\*|--)[-*][-* ]*" + NL, "<hr/>\n",
// parse manual br
" +" + NL, "<br/>",
// parse ordered and unordered lists
"^ *(\\* |\\+ |- |\\d+. )" + ANYTHING, function(m, c, s, t){
return "<" + (t = /^\d/.test(c) ? "ol>" : "ul>") + "<li>" + markdown(s) + "</li></" + t
// remove superflous parsing
"</(ul|ol)>\\s*<\\1>", "",
// parse strong and em
"([_*]{1,2})([^\\2]+?)(\\1)", function(m, c, s, t){
return "<" + (t = c.length == 2 ? "strong>" : "em>") + s + "</" + t
// parse blockquotes
"\\[(.+?)\\]\\((.+?) (\"|')(.+?)(\\3)\\)", '<a href="$2" title="$4">$1</a>',
"^> " + ANYTHING, function(m, s){
return "<" + BLOCKQUOTE + markdown(s)+ "</" + BLOCKQUOTE
// remove superflous parsing
"</" + BLOCKQUOTE + "\\s*<" + BLOCKQUOTE, "",
// parse backtick for inline code
"(`{1,2})([^\\r\\n]+?)\\1", "<code>$2</code>",
// put back blocks of code
"\\0", function(s){
return "<pre><code>" + L.shift() + CODE_PRE
// clean up superflous parsing
CODE_PRE + "\\s*<pre><code>", ""
i = 0; i < re.length;
) input = input.replace(RegExp(re[i++], "gm"), re[i++]);
return input;