f="fillRect",m="getImageData",d=[],g=[],h=[999,999,0,0],k=(new Date).getTime();c.width=500,c.height=400;
function i(e,b,f,n){for(var l=0;l<e;l+=f)for(var m=0;m<b;m+=f)n(l,m,f)}
textBaseline="bottom",font="300pt arial",lineWidth=10;
var j=a[m](0,0,c.width,c.height);
(function o(){window.setTimeout(function(){
k+=(new Date).getTime()-k;z();fillStyle="#f00";for(s in g) {var x=g[s][0],y=g[s][1];a[f](x-2.5+sin(k/500+y/80)*(x-q)+10,y-2.5,5,5)}fillStyle="#000";for(s in d) {var x=d[s][0],y=d[s][1];a[f](x-2.5+sin(k/500+y/80)*(x-q)+10,y-2.5,5,5)}o()
// ### Pixel Love - a js1k 2012 entry by @aaronsnoswell
// This demo is on [github](https://github.com/aaronsnoswell/js1k-2012-love)
// You can also browse the annotated source code at [http://aaronsnoswell.github.com/js1k-2012-love/docs/](http://aaronsnoswell.github.com/js1k-2012-love/docs/)
// Define some variables:
// A heart
var h = "♥",
// The granularity - determines the size of each 'pixel'
g = 5,
// The threshold / limit, used for determining where to place pixels
l = 10,
// Arrays of locations for the outline and fill pixles
outline = [],
fill = [],
// Where to draw the heart
sx = 100,
sy = 350,
// The bounding box of the heart (computed later)
box = [999, 999, 0, 0];
// Set the canvas size
c.width = 500;
c.height = 400;
// A utility function, used for looping over an x and y variable
var loopxy = function(w, h, step, callback) {
for(var x=0; x<w; x+=step) {
for(var y=0; y<h; y+=step) {
callback(x, y, step);
// Shortcut method for clearing the canvas
a.clear = function() {
a.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
// Normalise browser font rendering in the canvas.
// See [https://twitter.com/#!/aaronsnoswell/status/165642474109419520](https://twitter.com/#!/aaronsnoswell/status/165642474109419520)
a.textBaseline = "bottom";
a.font="300pt arial";
a.lineWidth = g*2;
// Draw a filled heart on the canvas
a.fillText(h, sx, sy);
// Loop over the entire canvas and wherever there are filled pixels,
// store that location in the fill array
var d = a.getImageData(0, 0, c.width, c.height)
loopxy(d.width, d.height, g, function(x, y) {
if(d.data[(x + y*d.width)*4+3] >= l) fill.push([x, y]);
// Clear the screen
// Draw an outline of a heart on the canvas
a.strokeText(h, sx, sy);
// Loop over the entire canvas once again. Wherever there are filled
// pixels, store that location in the outline array
var d = a.getImageData(0, 0, c.width, c.height)
loopxy(d.width, d.height, g, function(x, y) {
if(d.data[(x + y*d.width)*4+3] >= l) {
outline.push([x, y]);
// Compute the bounding box of the heart
if(x<box[0]) box[0] = x;
if(x>box[2]) box[2] = x;
if(y<box[1]) box[1] = y;
if(y>box[3]) box[3] = y;
// Find the middle x and y locations of the heart
// Store the current time as ms since epoch
var t0 = new Date().getTime();
// Use a recursive named function + setTimeout to ensure each frame has
// time to finish before the next one is drawn
(function render() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
// Time delta and elapsed time
var d = new Date().getTime()-t0;
t0 += d;
// Clear the screen
// Draw the red heart
a.fillStyle = "#f00";
loopxy(fill.length, 1, 1, function(i) {
var x = fill[i][0],
y = fill[i][1];
// Offset each pixel by a sinusoidal, time based ammount
a.fillRect(x-g/2+Math.sin(t0/500+y/80)*(x-box[4])+10, y-g/2+10, g, g);
// Draw the outline using the same logic as above
a.fillStyle = "#000";
loopxy(outline.length, 1, 1, function(i) {
var x = outline[i][0],
y = outline[i][1];
a.fillRect(x-g/2+Math.sin(t0/500+y/80)*(x-box[4])+10, y-g/2+10, g, g);
// Loop at 30fps
}, 1/30);