You're the last man standing but to leave this dirty town you need more money. The barmaid offers you a simple poker game: You start with 100$ and every round cost 10$.
a="b='<center>',c=document,d,efghib+='<WF(a)></> ';c.write(b&3I></h3><DD()>,2i'&1 style=width:2em;color:(a>25 'red>String.fromCharCode([3,5,6][a`+9824)A23456789TJQK'[a%]&6>…';D@X!(d=!d)@2gf0}X!d||g@while(f[k=Math.random()*52|);f[k],t=W),t1,ti[k],hk+}Xd@l=[,mn=o=p=q=r=s=m0;m[v]B,l[h`B;j=m,j#2?nB:j#3?oB:j#4 pB;l=5_q);1]#3 =2 q8:#4 q_s=7),hv+;s||(p6:o n5:q4:3[32[21[1! !2?o2:n#2_s):s=3)}x(zO LUCK02 PAIRS0THREE00FULL HOUSE0FOUR 0ROYAL '.split(0)[s]!N(e+=s*2)*10:'.N --e*10)$Zzew Game':'Trade Selected Cards',!e d_x'GAME OVERZ0)},Fa@d||(W)(g!g)?.3:1)},D()";for(b in c="N&3>zd?'NxIvh%`/|_ (Z',DXif(WCaB++@){&<h#==')0,]-h[ id=130]=+''+0STRAIGHTh.sort(), onclick=FLUSH?s=a=5=function(a3=[],]!||hbutton &&=1h[4]-h[[a].style.opacity=.innerHTML=;while(a--)c.getElementById('".split(""))a=a.replace(RegExp(c[b][0],"g"),c[b].slice(1));eval(a)
(function () {
* 88b
* d888
* 888
* 888888 .d8888b. d888 888 d8P
* "88b d88P Y88b d8888 888 d8P
* 888 Y88b. 888 888 d8P
* 888 "Y888b. 888 888d88K
* 888 "Y88b. 888 8888888b
* 888 "888 888 888 Y88b
* 88P Y88b d88P 888 888 Y88b
* 888 "Y8888P" 8888888 888 Y88b
* .d88P
* .d88P 888
* d888
* 88888888b. .d88888b. 888 d8P 8888888888 8888888b.
* 8888 Y88b d88P" "Y88b 888 d8P 888 888 888 Y88b
* 888 888 888 888 888 d8P 888 888 888
* 888 d88P 888 888 888d88K 8888888 888 d88P
* 8888888P" 888 888 8888888b 888 "" 8888888P"
* 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 888 T88b
* 88888 Y88b. .d88P 888 Y88b 888 888 888 T88b
* 88888 "Y88888P" 888 Y88b 8888888888 888 T8888b
* 88888 T8888b
* ______.------.______
* .------|J.--. |Q.--. |K.--. |------.
* |T.--. | :(): | (\/) | :/\: |A.--. |
* | :/\: | ()() | :\/: | :\/: | (\/) |
* | (__) | '--'J| '--'Q| '--'K| :\/: |
* | '--'T`______'------'______| '--'A|
* `------´ `------'
* d8b
* .d8888888b. 888 Y8P
* d88P" "Y88b 8888b. .d88b. 88888b.d88b. 888 888 .d88b.
* 888 d8b 888 "88b d8P Y8b 888 "888 "88b 888 .88P d8P Y8b 888
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* Y88b. .d8 "Y888888 "Y8888 888 888 888 888 888 "Y8888 888
* "Y88888888P"
* You're the last man standing.
* To leave this dirty little town you need more money.
* The barmaid offers you a simple Poker game:
* You start with 100$ and every round cost 10$
* Winnings:
* 20$: Two Pairs
* 40$: Three
* 60$: Straight
* 80$: Flush
* 100$: Full House
* 120$: Four
* 140$: Straight Flush
* 160$: Royal Flush
* Good luck, cowboy!
* Use Uglify to compress the script.
* The following command helps me to keep track
* of the compression rate:
* echo -e "\n"; \
* uglifyjs poker.js > compressed.js; \
* cat compressed.js; \
* echo -e "\n\n"; \
* cat compressed.js | wc -c;
* After uglifying remove surrounding function:
* (function(){ … })()
* and delete variable initialization:
* var a,b,c,…,n;
* To compress the script even further use
* the excellent Javascript crusher by @aivopaas at
// introduce all variables
var i, html, _document, in_progress, cash, picked_cards,
flipped_cards, dealt_cards, cards_html, matched_i,
n, suits, matched, pairs, threes, fours, flush, straight,
points, temp_element;
// center document
html = "<center>";
_document = document;
in_progress = 1;
cash = 10;
picked_cards = [];
flipped_cards = [];
dealt_cards = [];
cards_html = [];
i = 5;
while (i--) {
// create cards placeholer
html += '<button id=C' + i + ' onclick=F(' + i + ')></button> ';
// write info and deal button
html +
'<h3 id=I></h3><button id=D onclick=D()>'
i = 52;
while (i--) {
// store html for cards
// scale card using a heading
cards_html[i] = "<h1 style=width:2em;color:" +
// assign color
(i > 25 && "red") + ">" +
// assign symbol using a unicode character
String.fromCharCode([3, 0, 5, 6][i / 13 | 0] + 9824) +
// assign number
"A23456789TJQK"[i % 13] +
// add some extra bottom space
// deal or trade cards
D = function () {
// reset flipped and picked cards
if (!(in_progress = !in_progress)) {
i = 52;
while (i--) {
flipped_cards[i] =
picked_cards[i] = 0;
i = 5;
while (i--) {
if (!in_progress || flipped_cards[i]) {
// trade flipped card
while (picked_cards[n = Math.random() * 52 | 0]) {}
picked_cards[n] = 1;
temp_element = _document.getElementById("C" + i); = 1;
temp_element.innerHTML = cards_html[n];
// shift index plus 13
// to fix lexical sorting
dealt_cards[i] = n + 13;
if (in_progress) {
suits = [0, 0, 0, 0];
matched = [];
pairs = threes = fours = flush = straight = points = 0;
i = 13;
while (i--) {
matched[i] = 0;
// count matched values and suits
i = 13;
while (i--) {
matched[dealt_cards[i] % 13]++;
suits[dealt_cards[i] / 13 | 0]++;
// count pairs, threes and fours
i = 13;
while (i--) {
matched_i = matched[i];
if (matched_i == 2) {
} else if (matched_i == 3) {
} else if (matched_i == 4) {
// check flush
i = 13;
while (i--) {
if (suits[i] == 5) {
flush = 1;
if (
dealt_cards[4] - dealt_cards[1] == 3 &&
dealt_cards[4] - dealt_cards[0] == 12 &&
) {
points = 8; // Royal Flush
} else if (
dealt_cards[4] - dealt_cards[0] == 4 &&
) {
points = 7; // Straight Flush
// reduce suits
i = 5;
while (i--) { dealt_cards[i] = dealt_cards[i] % 13 + 13; }
if (!points) {
if (fours) {
points = 6; // Fours
} else if (threes && pairs) {
points = 5; // Full House
} else if (flush) {
points = 4; // Fours
} else if (
(dealt_cards[4] - dealt_cards[3]) == 1 &&
(dealt_cards[3] - dealt_cards[2]) == 1 &&
(dealt_cards[2] - dealt_cards[1]) == 1 &&
dealt_cards[1] - dealt_cards[0] == 1 ||
dealt_cards[4] - dealt_cards[0] == 12
) {
points = 3; // Straight
} else if (threes) {
points = 2; // Three
} else if (pairs == 2) {
points = 1; // Two Pairs
// update result
_document.getElementById("I").innerHTML = (
in_progress ?
"You lose02 Pairs0Three0Straight0Flush0Full House0Four0Straight Flush0Royal Flush".split(0)[points] + "!<h3>" + (cash += points*2)*10
: ".<h3>" + (--cash*10)
) + "$";
// update button
_document.getElementById("D").innerHTML = in_progress ?
"New Game" :
"Trade Selected Cards";
if (!cash && in_progress) {
_document.getElementById("I").innerHTML = "Game over!";
_document.getElementById("D").style.opacity = 0;
// mark flipped cards
F = function (i) {
if (!in_progress) {
_document.getElementById("C" + i).style.opacity = (
flipped_cards[i] = !flipped_cards[i]
) ? .3 : 1;
// start game
/* Uncomment to run tests
function test_winnings(a,b,c,d,e, label){
in_progress = 0;
dealt_cards = [a+13, b+13, c+13, d+13, e+13];
var inner = document.getElementById("I").innerHTML
console.log(!!inner.match(label), label, dealt_cards);
test_winnings(13, 42, 23, 14, 05, "You lose")
test_winnings(01, 14, 02, 15, 05, "2 Pairs");
test_winnings(01, 27, 14, 15, 16, "Three");
test_winnings(12, 00, 09, 10, 24, "Straight");
test_winnings(00, 02, 04, 06, 08, "Flush");
test_winnings(01, 14, 00, 13, 26, "Full House");
test_winnings(01, 14, 27, 40, 03, "Four");
test_winnings(04, 01, 02, 03, 05, "Straight Flush");
test_winnings(12, 00, 09, 10, 11, "Royal Flush");