Uses the load/boot screen from Oregon trail but adds a little more "circular motion". Mouse over or click for a bit more fun. Thanks to George Profenza aka @orgicus
var X,Y,H,J,K,L;i=new Image,u="background",S="style",b[S][u]="#00a",c.width=w=800,c.height=h=599,z=c[S],z[u]="#fff",z.position="absolute","50%",z.margin="-300px 0 0 -400px",M=Math,p=M.PI,c.onmousemove=function(a){clearTimeout(L),K=1,H=a.layerX,J=a.layerY,L=setTimeout(function(){K=0},50)},i.src="data:;base64,R0lGODlhCAALAIABAAAApBgTZSH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAAIAAsAAAIUTIBgl8jLnIpKJvruO8tB02hhUAAAOw==",i.onload=function(){function l(b,c){var d=this;d.H=d.I=d.J=b,d.S=d.O=d.N=c,d.E=d.K=0,d.u=function(){K&&(X=H,Y=J);var b=X-d.H,c=Y-d.S,e=M.sqrt(b*b+c*c);d.I=e<f/2?d.H-b:d.J,d.O=e<f/2?d.S-c:d.N,d.E+=(d.I-d.H)*.1,d.E*=.9,d.H+=d.E,d.K+=(d.O-d.S)*.1,d.K*=.9,d.S+=d.K,a.drawImage(i,d.H,d.S,16,22)}}var b=[],d=0,e=p*2/20,f=9,g=.5,j=1,k=10;c.onclick=function(a){f=w/p,j=1};for(y=.1;y<23;y++)for(x=.1;x<40;x++)b.push(new l(x*20,y*26));setInterval(function(){a.clearRect(0,0,w,h);var c=920;while(c--)b[c].u();d==360?d=0:d+=e,X=w/2+M.cos(d)*f,Y=h/2+M.sin(d)*f,f>w/p&&(j=0),f<5&&(j=1,g>3?g=.5:g+=.3),j?f+=g:f-=g},66)}
// Create global vars
var circleX, // Where the circle drawing is at X
circleY, // Where the circle drawing is at Y
mouseX, // Mouse position X
mouseY, // Mouse position Y
mouseIsMoving, // If the mouse is currently moving
mouseMoveTimeout, // Timeout that is used to set mouseIsMoving
img = new Image, // The image
imageArray = [], // Array to hold each image
circle_angle = 0, // Start angle for circle drawing
circle_angleIncrement = Math.PI * 2 / 20, // Amount to increment after each full rotation
circle_radius = 9, // Initial circle radius
circle_radiusIncrement = .5, // Amount to increase radius after each full cycle
circle_direction = 1; // Direction of circle drawing -- 1 is clockwise, 0 is counter-clockwise
// Style page and canvas element = "#00a"; = "#fff"; = "absolute"; = = "50%"; = "-300px 0 0 -400px";
c.width = canvasWidth = 800;
c.height = canvasHeight = 599;
// On mouse move over the canvas
c.onmousemove = function(e) {
// Clear time out
// Set mouse is moving to true
mouseIsMoving = 1;
// Set mouse X and Y
mouseX = e.layerX,
mouseY = e.layerY;
// Set timeout for reverting mouse is moving variable
mouseMoveTimeout = setTimeout(function(){
mouseIsMoving = 0;
// Create image -- in the minified version, 'image/gif' is stripped
// When the image is loaded
// Create the image objects 23 columns, 40 rows with a bit of padding
for (var y = .1; y < 23; y++) {
for (var x = .1; x < 40; x++) {
imageArray.push( new Point(x*20, y*26) );
// OnClick, set the circle radius and direction to the middle of a cycle
c.onclick = function(e){
circle_radius = canvasWidth/Math.PI;
// The main loop
// Clear the canvas
a.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
// while(i--) is faster and smaller than for -- 'i' variable is 920 in minified version
var i = imageArray.length;
// Update each image position
// If the circle has done a full rotation, reset it to 0
if(circle_angle == 360) circle_angle = 0;
// Otherwise, increment the angle by the increment
else circle_angle += circle_angleIncrement;
// Calcualte the X and Y co-ordinates for the circle path
circleX = canvasWidth/2 + Math.cos(circle_angle) * circle_radius;
circleY = canvasHeight/2 + Math.sin(circle_angle) * circle_radius;
// If the circle is too big, then change direction
if(circle_radius > canvasWidth/Math.PI) circle_direction = 0;
// If the circle is too small the change direction
if(circle_radius < 5) {
// If the circle radius increment is getting too big the reset it
if(circle_radiusIncrement>3) circle_radiusIncrement =.5;
// Otherwise just increment it -- this makes it get faster and faster
else circle_radiusIncrement+=.3;
// Set direction based on circle_direction variable
if(circle_direction) circle_radius+=circle_radiusIncrement;
else circle_radius-=circle_radiusIncrement;
// Update every 66ms
// Point object
function Point(x, y) {
// Set initial variables on creation
this.currentPositionX = this.targetPositionX = this.originalPositionX = x;
this.currentPositionY = this.targetPositionY = this.originalPositionY = y
this.velocityX = this.velocityY = .0;
// update function
this.update = function(){
// If mouse is moving then override circle drawing position
if(mouseIsMoving) {
// Calculate distance from point
var distanceX = circleX - this.currentPositionX,
distanceY = circleY - this.currentPositionY,
distance = Math.sqrt((distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY));
// If the image is not as far away from the point as possible, then go away, otherwise go back
this.targetPositionX = (distance < circle_radius/2) ? this.currentPositionX - distanceX : this.originalPositionX;
this.targetPositionY = (distance < circle_radius/2) ? this.currentPositionY - distanceY : this.originalPositionY;
// Calculate the new X position
this.velocityX += (this.targetPositionX - this.currentPositionX) * .1;
this.velocityX *= .8;
this.currentPositionX += this.velocityX;
// Calculate the new Y position
this.velocityY += (this.targetPositionY - this.currentPositionY) * .1;
this.velocityY *= .8;
this.currentPositionY += this.velocityY;
// Draw the image at the new point
a.drawImage(img,this.currentPositionX, this.currentPositionY, 16, 22);