eval("eval(\"uHmin;rHrandom;P=Md=3MI=DBi=3;iRwith(a)beginPath(fillStyle='#'+'eeb228000'.substr(i<2?v*i:6,3)xfill(e?arc(e,y,i?13+i:9,2.8+(iLk?S:0xi?k?6.6+S:9:5,0):rect(Mj*24,226,y))}},setInterval(DI(MMc.height=300)GPzGfzt+Hsin(Sxt<54Lt>3OS=-Sxw-Hcos(Sxy=w/6-j|MV=gGh[g=y*8+Y7-q,-YMq/2-t/7|Q]||w<4j*6zh[V]=C;P++Be=2;eRmXnX]]KhzEn[mA=!eLi<8LU?-1:+i]=0Bk=3;kRoX1,8-q,9-q][k]GUWo-1?y>0WqOo-9?v<7:v>Q:v>0)We?hT==U:hT)zs=mTBl in m)m[l]+Y-s,-mA)Zl]=Ys,mA)]++}}}kXl=MMMM0]Kh)UWE(e?mA-m[V]ZV]]<2:mA<0)?k[U]=++l:b.push([F])WU=Q}GlWy<11-jOd=QOP=Qfor(;!k[J];);}}fOS=Y1.3,-Y1.3,(p[0]-p[2])/13-S)xt=28,w=7Mf=p[1]xI(t*4,C,w*4,!f)Kh)EULI(F)Kb)I(bA[0],bA[1],bA[2]+=5)}G!PLdzbX],pXMMg=MP=1],d+=2BhXi=88];iRU=i<dLi%16-15WJ)}}},20xNdown=Nup=D(i=e.keyCode-37)>>2OpA=e.type[5]L1OQ}\"_Z||n[m[_Yu(_X=[_WL(_UhA_T[i-o]_R--;z_Q0))_O||(_Ndocument.onkey_M0,_L&&_KBi in _JC=r(f=S=0)*4+1|0_H=Math._G;if(_F14*(1+v*2+qxhA,14+(yj)*24_Ev=i%8,y=i>>3,_Dfunction(e,v,y,kz_B;for(_A[i]_z){_x),_qy%2_j+(P>>3))".replace(/_(\w)([^_]*)(?!$)/g,".replace(/$1/g,\"$2\")"))
// Puzzle Bobble Clone for JS1K by @veubeke and @UlrikeErdmann
// Controls:
// Left arrow - turn left
// Right arrow - turn right
// Up arrow - fire
// See games.23inch.de/bubble/ for (ugly) converter scripts
// small character usage:
// shim vars: abc
// local vars: e i klmno s v y
// global vars: b d fgh p r tu w
// compression: j q x z
Mmin = Math.min;
Mrand = Math.random;
// moves made in a level
// moves=0 - start new level
moves = 0,
// current level
level = 30,
// draws a bubble or background
// params: int x, int color, int y, bool draw_segment
draw = function(e,v,y,k) {
// steps: i=2 - border, i=1 - color, i=0 - light
;for(i=3;i--;) {
beginPath(fillStyle = '#'+'eeb228000'.substr(i<2?v*i:6,3)),
// main
setInterval(function(e,v,y,k) {
// clear
if(moves) {
;if(fired) {
// update bubble position
bubbleX += Math.sin(angle),
bubbleX<54 && bubbleX>3 || (angle = -angle),
bubbleY -= Math.cos(angle),
y = bubbleY/6-+(moves>>3)|0,
oldP = gridP;
// check for collision with bubbles or ceiling
if(board[gridP=y*8+Mmin(7-y%2,-Mmin(0,y%2/2-bubbleX/7|0))]||bubbleY<4+(moves>>3)*6) {
// add bubble to board
board[oldP] = col;
// update moves
// delete bubbles
// e=1: equal colored, e=0: disconnected
for(e=2;e--;) {
// init equivalence classes and their size
m = [n=[]];
for(i in board) {
v = i%8, y = i>>3,
n[m[i] = !e&&i<8&&board[i]?-1:+i] = 0;
/// check neighbours
for(k=3;k--;) {
o = [1,8-y%2,9-y%2][k];
if(board[i] && (o-1?y>0&&(y%2 || (o-9?v<7:v>0)):v>0) && (e?board[i-o]==board[i]:board[i-o])) {
s = m[i-o];
for(l in m)
m[l]+Mmin(-s,-m[i]) || n[m[l]=Mmin(s,m[i])]++
// delete and count bubbles, check remaining colors
k = [l=0,0,0,0,0];
for(i in board)
board[i] && (
v = i%8, y = i>>3,
// check if bubble should be kept
// add available color
?k[board[i]] = ++l
// start animation for removed bubble
: anim.push([14*(1+v*2+y%2),board[i],14+(y+(moves>>3))*24]) && (board[i] = 0))
// finish game if board is clear or bottom has been reached
;if(l && (y<11-+(moves>>3) || (level = 0)) || (moves = 0))
// delete bubble, select new color still on the board
for(;!k[col = Mrand(fired=angle=0)*4+1|0];);
// update pointer / bubble
fired || (
angle = Mmin(1.3,-Mmin(1.3,(keys[0]-keys[2])/13-angle)),
// init bubble, unit: px*4 (for smaller numbers)
bubbleX = 28, bubbleY = 70,
fired = keys[1]),
// draw bubble
// draw board
for(i in board)
v = i%8, y = i>>3,
board[i] && draw(14*(1+v*2+y%2),board[i],14+(y+(moves>>3))*24);
// draw falling bubbles
for(i in anim)
// start new level
;if(!moves && level) {
// bubbles to animate
anim = [],
// keys pressed, bubble position in the grid
keys = [0,0,gridP=0,moves=1],
// add two bubbles per level
level += 2;
// board
for(board=[i=88];i--;) {
board[i] = i<level && i%16-15 && (col = Mrand(fired=angle=0)*4+1|0)
}, 20),
// event handler
document.onkeydown = document.onkeyup = function(e,v,y,k) {
(i=e.keyCode-37)>>2 || (keys[i] = e.type[5]&&1||(0))