var // the var statement can be removed after minification, and the commas below changed to semicolons
// Document
doc = document,
canvas = doc.getElementById('c'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
width = canvas.width = innerWidth, // assign width to canvas, and store a reference
height = canvas.height = innerHeight, // assign height to canvas, and store a reference
// Maths
M = Math,
pi2 = 7, // over-approximation of 2*PI, used for drawing circles (quicker, and less bytes than using 2*Math.PI)
phi = .618,
PHI = 1 / phi,
phiTenth = phi / 10,
PHIten = PHI * 10,
phiWidth = width * phi, // width on the Golden Ratio line
phiHeight = height * phi, // height on the Golden Ratio line
RGBMAX = 255, // for colour assignments
ceil = M.ceil,
random = M.random,
// Settings
frequency = 60, // -> PHI * 10 frames per second
unitsPerFrame = PHIten, // circles per frame
driftFactor = .02, // how much randomness to introduce (approximation of PHI / 100)
driftFactorWidth = width * driftFactor,
driftFactorHeight = height * driftFactor,
canvasDiagonal = hypotenuse(width, height), // length of the diagonal across the canvas
// Modifiers
tone = randomInt(3), // set a colour tone for this run
// Container for units
units = [],
// Declarations - these can all be removed after minification
intensity, factor, radius, rgbStroke, firstCoords, i, x, y, r, g, b, rgbStr1, rgbStr2, driftX, driftY, lineToCoords, comparisonColor, xy, burst, lineStartOrigin;
// **
// Ah, I remember trig
function hypotenuse(a, b) {
return M.sqrt((a * a) + (b * b));
randomInt: This function returns a number from 0 to `len`. It's handy for seeding randomness within a range.
randomInt() will return either 0 or 1 - e.g:
var something = randomInt() ? oneThing : otherThing;
randomInt(3) will return either 0, 1 or 2 - e.g:
var something = [onThing, otherThing, anotherThing][randomInt(3)];
randomInt(100) will return a number between 0 and 99 - e.g:
var something = randomInt(100); // choosing a number at random
var something = randomInt(100) ? commonThing : rareThing; // introducing occasional or rare properties
function randomInt(len){
return ceil((len || 2) * random()) - 1;
// Get a random drift amount - positive or negative - up to a maximum
function drift(maxDrift){
return ceil(random() * (maxDrift * 2 + 1) - maxDrift / 2 - 1);
// Draw lines between the coordinates in the supplied array
function lines(units){
lineStartOrigin = randomInt(PHIten);
lineStartOrigin ? phiWidth + driftX : randomInt(width),
lineStartOrigin ? phiHeight + driftY : randomInt(height)
for (i = units.length; xy = units[--i];){
ctx.lineTo(xy[0], xy[1]);
// NOTE: we don't bother to close the path, to save bytes. It'll be closed automatically when the next path is begun.
// The main loop. This chooses colours, alpha transparency, positions and draws circles and lines (some coloured, some black)
function frame(){
// Get the value for a red, green or blue colour component
function color(which){
return which != tone || burst ?
// if the mouse isn't pressed, and this isn't the main colour tone, the go random
randomInt(RGBMAX) :
// otherwise, calculate the exponential intensity (2.72 is an approximation of Math.exp(1))
ceil((M.exp(intensity) / 2.72) * RGBMAX);
// Set units array to zero length, and save bytes by assigning `i` at the same time
units.length = i = 0;
// Get some drift
driftX = drift(driftFactorWidth);
driftY = drift(driftFactorHeight);
// Main calculation loop
for (; i < unitsPerFrame; i++){
x = randomInt(width / PHI) * PHI;
y = randomInt(height / PHI) * PHI;
// Intensity (used for weighting colours, circle radius and alpha transparency)
intensity = 1 - hypotenuse(x - phiWidth, y - phiHeight) / canvasDiagonal; // proximity to the Golden Ration coords
factor = random() * intensity * (intensity / PHI);
radius = driftFactorWidth * (randomInt(PHIten) ? factor * PHI : (1 - factor * phi)); // add variety to radius - show large circles at the periphery only 1:PHI times
// Colours
r = color(0);
g = color(1);
b = color(2);
rgbStr1 = 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',';
// Circle path
ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, pi2, 0);
// Styles
ctx.strokeStyle = rgbStroke = (randomInt(PHI) ? 'rgba(' + r * phiTenth + ',' + g * phiTenth + ',' + b * phiTenth + ',' : rgbStr1) + factor +')';
ctx.fillStyle = rgbStr1 + (burst ? intensity * phi : factor * intensity) +')';
// Draw
units[i] = [x, y, intensity, rgbStroke];
// Coloured lines - to shoot out from the PHI origin or somewhere else
// Black lines - to etch away
ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,' + (0.38 * units[0][2]) + ')'; // 0.38 is approximation of phi * phi
// Set body style - this is a bit of an extravagence, but it's good to expand the canvas to the full width and height, and we've got bytes left, so why not?'background:#000;overflow:hidden;margin:0';
// Burst of colour when the mouse is pressed
burst = 0; // In the minified version, there will be no `var burst`, so we set a value for it here
canvas.onmouseup = canvas.onmousedown = function(){
burst = !burst;
// Start the animation
// -> For the minified version, the line below should be uncommented. For development, comment it out.
setInterval(frame, frequency);
// -> For the minified version, the whole block below should be commented out. For development, leave it uncommented, to allow a space bar key press stop the animation and spare the CPU.
var intervalRef;
(doc.onkeydown = function(event){
if (!event || event.which == 32){
intervalRef = intervalRef ?
clearInterval(intervalRef) : // clearInterval and set intervalRef to undefined
setInterval(frame, frequency); // setInterval and create reference to it
// ** fin
* code minimally, and code for minification (there are many techniques here)
* put through advance Closure Compiler:
* remove trailing semicolon
* remove line breaks
* remove leading `0` from floating point numbers
* remove var (+ change commas to semicolons)
* change setinterval function to string
* change function declarations to function assignments (making sure that they are declared before they are called)
* put through jsCrush: