_='S=1;MZCZuZzl=qA="r";RGOStyle="rgb(Hr+",Hg+",Hb+")";ORect(x*S-y*S-S,S?QxyT{rWr,gWg,bWb;NG j=P;j<2 k=P;k<2F>=$>=$<0$<0)%;!Q])return@B;255#j*.4F^j*.4;iC{r:j,g:k,b:i}V} i=C;i;j= random()*i),k=C[--i],CD=,=k?M[]?#FQj]0VsetInterval(oGod=999;^u;ilU(xP__+1x)U(yP``+1y)U!N(uD)u.splice(i--,1?%}<dd=;zN(uDVzv$@EBE};qzq;q=0}R(v,C.shift()?uv?l=v;!Co=0},0?~clickGq=@X-E/S)BY-E/SV;~keyupnK>0UK<10S=K;+}nL82Jr"}L71Jg"}L66Jb"}nUn!=At=[A3[AT[n3[nTt;Ct=[A3[AT[n3[nTt}A=nrr)+gg)+bb) floor(#FuD.=functi~(e,a.widtha.heightQjk] for(++which abs(C[0].if(=0;-Qxy]..length){R(@jBk},V}C[j]==l..push(e. jj</2+(client}}x-jy-k/2*(SP)),;j Math.# kk<$||%c~tinue3];?);@{x:B,y:D[i]E/2)F;kGtH"+t.Jn="K-48L==Oc.fillP-1QM[T]=U&&V)W:t.Z=[3^ ii<_x$x`y$yzv=~on][';for(Y in $='~z`_^ZWVUTQPOLKJHGFEDB@?3%$# ')with(_.split($[Y]))_=join(pop());eval(_)
// Crushed with http://www.iteral.com/jscrush/
S = 1;
M = [];
C = [];
u = [];
v = l = q = 0;
A = 'r';
// Draws a color to the canvas and puts it in the matrix
R = function(p, e){
c.fillStyle = "rgb(" + e.r + "," + e.g + "," + e.b + ")";
c.fillRect(p.x * S - Math.floor(a.width / 2 * (S - 1)), p.y * S - Math.floor(a.height / 2 * (S - 1)), S, S);
M[p.x][p.y] = {r: e.r, g: e.g, b: e.b};
// Returns a free neighbor to the 'p' coordinate
N = function(p, e){
for(j = -1; j < 2; j++){
for(k = -1; k < 2; k++){
if((p.x - j >= a.width || p.y - k >= a.height || p.x - j < 0 || p.y - k < 0))
if(!M[p.x - j][p.y - k])
return {x: p.x - j, y: p.y - k};
// We make all the colors, alltogether 889610
for(j = 0; j < 255; j++){
for(k = 0; k < j * 0.4; k++){
for(i = 0; i < j * 0.4; i++){
C.push({r: j, g: k, b: i});
// Shuffle
for(i = C.length; i; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i), k = C[--i], C[i] = C[j], C[j] = k);
// Make the matrix for the colors
for(j = 0; j < a.width; j++){
for(k = 0; k < a.height; k++){
setInterval(o = function(p, e){
// Find the most similar already drawn color
d = 999;
for(i = 0; i < u.length; i++){
// If adjacent with the last drawn color, see if it has a free neighbor, if not we delete it.
// (It would be very slow without this)
if( l &&
(u[i].x - 1 == l.x || u[i].x == l.x || u[i].x + 1 == l.x) &&
(u[i].y - 1 == l.y || u[i].y == l.y || u[i].y + 1 == l.y) &&
u.splice(i--, 1);
if(Math.abs(C[0].r - M[u[i].x][u[i].y].r) + Math.abs(C[0].g - M[u[i].x][u[i].y].g) + Math.abs(C[0].b - M[u[i].x][u[i].y].b) < d){
d = Math.abs(C[0].r - M[u[i].x][u[i].y].r) + Math.abs(C[0].g - M[u[i].x][u[i].y].g) + Math.abs(C[0].b - M[u[i].x][u[i].y].b);
v = N(u[i]);
// If this is the first color we put it in the middle
v = v || {x: Math.floor(a.width / 2), y: Math.floor(a.height / 2)}
// If there was a click, we put the next color there
v = q;
q = 0;
// Render the color
R(v, C.shift());
l = v;
o = 0;
}, 0);
onclick = function(p, e){
q = {
x: Math.floor(a.width / 2 + ((p.clientX - a.width / 2) / S)),
y: Math.floor(a.height / 2 + ((p.clientY - a.height / 2) / S))
// Zoom or change the canvas color
onkeyup = function(p, e){
// 1-9: zoom. Clear the canvas and redraw it with the new size
if(p.which - 48 > 0 && p.which - 48 < 10){
S = p.which - 48;
for(j = 0; j < a.width; j++){
for(k = 0; k < a.height; k++){
R({x: j, y: k}, M[j][k]);
// r/g/b: change the colors.
e = 0;
if(p.which == 82){
e = 'r';
if(p.which == 71){
e = 'g';
if(p.which == 66){
e = 'b';
// If the new color is not the same as the present color
if(e && e != A){
// Reform the colors in the matrix and redraw them
for(j = 0; j < a.width; j++){
for(k = 0; k < a.height; k++){
t = M[j][k][A];
M[j][k][A] = M[j][k][e];
M[j][k][e] = t;
R({x: j, y: k}, M[j][k]);
// Reform the colors which have not been put down
for(j = 0; j < C.length; j++){
t = C[j][A];
C[j][A] = C[j][e];
C[j][e] = t;
A = e;