_='wi(Ma)e=a.wid,x=e/2,t= ,,setIntval(){p.push([x+9++), 2,0.01*sin(t), e/3]); 99%,0%)for(i=p.leng;i--;)&&("+ceil(15+15/i))+",90%,35%)",024],135],e/6]*0.5,1),0>6]--&&p.spce(i,1))},16);a.mousemove=b){x=b.centX}; a.cck=){source-ov";#000;};c.globalCompositeOpati="[c.fillfuncti("; e,e);Style="]+=ght" 0,*cos(tRect(hsl(theronlip=[]p[i]';for(Y in $=' ')with(_.split($[Y]))_=join(pop());eval(_)
with(Math) { // get cos() instead of Math.cos()
e=a.width; // we fill e with the screen width;
x=e/2; // track mouseX (start at the middle of the canvas)
t=0; // track time
p=[]; // track particles (particle : [x,y,vx,vy,ttl])
c.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
setInterval(function(z){ // Main loop (z is set only so all function got the same signature)
p.push([x+cos(t++)*9,0,0,2,.01*sin(t),0,e/3]); // add particles and increase time
c.fillStyle="hsl(0,99%,0%)"; // background clr
c.fillRect(0,0,e,e); // background clr
for(i=p.length;i--;){ // loop over particles
if(p[i]){ // if we have a particle
c.fillStyle="hsl("+ceil(15+cos(t/i)*15)+",90%,35%)"; // draw particles
c.fillRect((p[i][0]+=p[i][2]+=p[i][4]), // draw particles & update x & vx
p[i][1]+=p[i][3]+=p[i][5], // draw particles & update y & vy
e/p[i][6]*.5,1); // draw particles & increase particles size
p[i][6]--<0 && // decrease particles ttl and if ttl == 0
p.splice(i,1); // remove old particles
function m(z,x,y,w){ // distance function
return (z-x)*(z-x)+(y-w)*(y-w) // give us a² = b²+c² (dist² = xOffset²+yOffset²)
a.onmousemove=function(z){ // Mousemove listener for the canvas
x=z.clientX; // we keep x
a.onclick=function(z){ // clean the canvas
c.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
c.fillStyle ='#000';
c.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";