- Author:
- Rauri
- Twitter:
- @
- GitHub:
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- Google+:
- +
- Reddit:
- /r/
- Pouet:
- Website:
- funkyvector.com
- Compo:
- classic
- Demo link:
- https://js1k.com/2014-dragons/demo/1837
- Shortlink:
- https://js1k.com/1837
- Blog post:
- please update here!
- Bytes:
- 1024
- Chars:
- 1024
- Submission
L=300,k=a.width,q=a.height,r=Math,s=r.cos,t=r.sin,v=r.random,w=0,x=r.PI,y=[],z=[];function B(){a.width=k;for(j=0;7>j;j++)y[j]||(y[j]=C()),y[j]();w++;requestAnimationFrame(B)}
function C(){var l=j,h=.1+l*l/49,m=v()*k/h,n=q/h,A=3+5*v(),p=x,u=p,d=[];return function(){if(-L>m||m>k/h+L||-L>n||n>q/h+L){var b=k/h/2-m,e=q/h/2-n;p=u=r.atan(b/e)+(0>e?x:0)}else u+=.1*v()-.05,p-=.1*(p-u);m+=t(p)*A;n+=s(p)*A;for(i=0;70>i;i++)if(i){w||(d[i]={x:m,y:n});var e=d[i-1],b=d[i].x-e.x,e=d[i].y-e.y,g=r.sqrt(b*b+e*e),f=r.atan(e/b)+x/2+(0>b?x:0),g=4<g?.5:2<g?(g-2)/4:0;d[i].x-=b*g;d[i].y-=e*g;d[i].a=s(f);d[i].b=t(f);if(20==i)var l=f}else d[i]={x:m,y:n,a:0,b:0};c.moveTo(d[0].x,d[0].y);
for(i=0;154>i;i+=2)77>i?(b=i,e=1):(b=152-i,e=-1),f=z[b],g=d[z[b+1]],56<=b?(f=56-b,f=t(f/3+.1*w)*f*e,f=20-b/4+f,g=d[2*b-83]):13<b&&(f=4+(f-4)*(t((-f/2+w)/25*A/4)+2)*2,g.a=s(l),g.b=t(l)),c.lineTo((g.x+f*e*g.a)*h,(g.y+f*e*g.b)*h);c.fill()}}'! ((&(&*$($,&.)/-.0,4%3"7$;(@/EAA<?:<9;;88573729/7,6(8&;'.split("").map(function(l,h){z[h]=l.charCodeAt(0)-32});B();
- Description
- 7 Dragons flew in from the south.
Whilst programming it seemed the dragons were being viewed from above, but that they are being viewed from the land, with the glaring sun above.
- Base64 encoded
- Original source
// further notes here maybe:
// http://codepen.io/raurir/pen/KoJLH/
var sw = a.width,
sh = a.height,
M = Math,
Mc = M.cos,
Ms = M.sin,
ran = M.random,
pfloat = 0,
pi = M.PI,
dragons = [],
shape = [],
loop = function() {
a.width = sw; // clear screen
for ( j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
if ( !dragons[j] ) dragons[j] = dragon(j); // create dragons initially
dragon = function(index) {
var scale = 0.1 + index * index / 49,
gx = ran() * sw / scale,
gy = sh / scale,
lim = 300, // this gets inlined, no good!
speed = 3 + ran() * 5,
direction = pi, //0, //ran() * pi * 2, //ran(0,TAU),
direction1 = direction,
spine = [];
return function() {
// check if dragon flies off screen
if (gx < -lim || gx > sw / scale + lim || gy < -lim || gy > sh / scale + lim) {
// flip them around
var dx = sw / scale / 2 - gx,
dy = sh / scale / 2 - gy;
direction = direction1 = M.atan(dx/dy) + (dy < 0 ? pi : 0);
} else {
direction1 += ran() * .1 - .05;
direction -= (direction - direction1) * .1;
// move the dragon forwards
gx += Ms(direction) * speed;
gy += Mc(direction) * speed;
// calculate a spine - a chain of points
// the first point in the array follows a floating position: gx,gy
// the rest of the chain of points following each other in turn
for (i=0; i < 70; i++) {
if (i) {
if (!pfloat) spine[i] = {x: gx, y: gy}
var p = spine[i - 1],
dx = spine[i].x - p.x,
dy = spine[i].y - p.y,
d = M.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy),
perpendicular = M.atan(dy/dx) + pi / 2 + (dx < 0 ? pi : 0);
// make each point chase the previous, but never get too close
if (d > 4) {
var mod = .5;
} else if (d > 2){
mod = (d - 2) / 4;
} else {
mod = 0;
spine[i].x -= dx * mod;
spine[i].y -= dy * mod;
// perpendicular is used to map the coordinates on to the spine
spine[i].px = Mc(perpendicular);
spine[i].py = Ms(perpendicular);
if (i == 20) { // average point in the middle of the wings so the wings remain symmetrical
var wingPerpendicular = perpendicular;
} else {
// i is 0 - first point in spine
spine[i] = {x: gx, y: gy, px: 0, py: 0};
// map the dragon to the spine
// the x co-ordinates of each point of the dragon shape are honoured
// the y co-ordinates of each point of the dragon are mapped to the spine
for (i=0; i < 154; i+=2) { // shape.length * 2 - it's symmetrical, so draw up one side and back down the other
if (i < 77 ) { // shape.length
// draw the one half from nose to tail
var index = i; // even index is x, odd (index + 1) is y of each coordinate
var L = 1;
} else {
// draw the other half from tail back to nose
index = 152 - i;
L = -1;
var x = shape[index];
var spineNode = spine[shape[index+1]]; // get the equivalent spine position from the dragon shape
if (index >= 56) { // draw tail
var wobbleIndex = 56 - index; // table wobbles more towards the end
var wobble = Ms(wobbleIndex / 3 + pfloat * 0.1) * wobbleIndex * L;
x = 20 - index / 4 + wobble;
// override the node for the correct tail position
spineNode = spine[ index * 2 - 83 ];
} else if (index > 13) { // draw "flappy wings"
// 4 is hinge point
x = 4 + (x-4) * (Ms(( -x / 2 + pfloat) / 25 * speed / 4) + 2) * 2; // feed x into sin to make wings "bend"
// override the perpindicular lines for the wings
spineNode.px = Mc(wingPerpendicular);
spineNode.py = Ms(wingPerpendicular);
(spineNode.x + x * L * spineNode.px) * scale,
(spineNode.y + x * L * spineNode.py) * scale
// the shape of the dragon, converted from a SVG image
'! ((&(&*$($,&.)/-.0,4%3"7$;(@/EAA<?:<9;;88573729/7,6(8&;'.split("").map(function(a,i) {
shape[i] = a.charCodeAt(0) - 32;