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author: Johan Nordberg <code cinnamon-bun johan-nordberg.com>
license: MIT
"DRAGON DOGE" // padding because i want it to compile to exactly 2048 bytes :)
// globals
S = 0 // total score
G = {} // the grid lookup
C = document.createElement("h4") // board container
H = { // key event handlers, 0 is options for compacting passes 1 is for the merge pass
37: [2, 6], // left
38: [0, 4], // up
39: [3, 7], // right
40: [1, 5] // down
// Q, Z, R, W used for temp variables
function adopt(parent, child) {
function setPos(el, pos) {
el.style.left = 8 + pos[0] * 128 + "px"
el.style.top = 8 + pos[1] * 128 + "px"
Z = /webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
Q = document.createElement("style")
Q.textContent = ("" + // closure fixes this
"@Akeyframes a{0%{Atransform:scale(1)}50%{Atransform:scale(1.2)}100%{Atransform:scale(1)}}" +
"@Akeyframes b{0%{Atransform:scale(.5)}100%{Atransform:scale(1)}}" +
"body{background:#f7f2eb}" +
"*{font:128px/0'helvetica neue',helvetica;text-align:center;border-radius:5px;" +
"Bbox-sizing:border-box;margin:0;font-weight:100;color:#fff}" +
"h4{background:#e9e3d8;margin:0 auto;position:absolute;left:50%;top:50%;" +
"margin-left:-264px;margin-top:-264px;height:528px;width:528px}" +
"h1,h2{position:absolute;width:128px;height:128px;padding:8px}" +
"h1{z-index:0}h2,.h0{z-index:2;visibility:hidden}" +
"h3{font-size:.5em;height:100%;padding-top:50%}" +
"h1 h3{background:#e3dcce;z-index:0}" +
"h5{padding-top:50%;z-index:2;position:absolute;height:528px;width:528px;background:#222;opacity:.4}" +
".a{visibility:visible;transition:all .1s}.b{Aanimation:.2s a}.c{z-index:1}.d{Aanimation:.2s b}" +
".h1,.h2,.h3{color:#222}" +
".h7,.h8,.h9{font-size:.4em}" +
".h10,.h11{font-size:.3em;text-shadow:0 0 5px #fff}" +
".h1{background:#fffae8}.h2{background:#fff3d4}" +
".h3{background:#ffeda3}.h4{background:#f38630}" +
".h5{background:#69D2e7}.h6{background:#5bb280}" +
".h7{background:#556270}.h8{background:#c44d58}" +
".h9{background:#ce8aeb}.h10{background:#ff3d7f}" +
.replace(/A/g, Z ? "-webkit-" : "").replace(/B/g, Z ? "" : "-moz-")
adopt(b, Q)
P = function(dir, fn) {
// iterate over grid calling fn for every item
var x, y, c = 0;
if (dir) for (x = 3; x > -1; --x) for (y = 3; y > -1; --y) c+= fn(x, y, ""+x+y, G[""+x+y])
else for (x = 0; x < 4; ++x) for (y = 0; y < 4; ++y) c+= fn(x, y, ""+x+y, G[""+x+y])
if (c) P(dir, fn)
GG = function() {
Q = document.createElement("h5")
Q.innerHTML = S
Q.className = "b"
adopt(C, Q)
H = {} // make it stop by removing all handlers
window.onkeydown = function(event) {
if (!(R = H[event.keyCode])) return;
C.focus() // the iframe was causing some flickering on chrome
// this seems to fix it
W = 0 // reset move counter
if (W) setTimeout(add, 140)
// figure out if a move is possible
W = 0 // possible moves * 2
P(0, function(x, y, pos, tile) {
// above
if ((Q = G[""+x+y]) && (!Q.value || Q.value == tile.value)) W++
// below
if ((Q = G[""+x+y]) && (!Q.value || Q.value == tile.value)) W++
// left
if ((Q = G[""+x+y]) && (!Q.value || Q.value == tile.value)) W++
// right
if ((Q = G[""+x+y]) && (!Q.value || Q.value == tile.value)) W++
if (!W) GG()
// create initial tiles
P(0, function(x, y, pos, tile) {
// Q = bg tile
Q = document.createElement("h1")
Q.innerHTML = "<h3>"
setPos(Q, pos)
adopt(C, Q)
tile = {
value: 0,
el: document.createElement("h2"),
pos: pos
adopt(C, tile.el)
G[pos] = tile
function draw() {
P(0, function(x, y, pos, tile) {
tile.el.className = ""
if (tile.value === 0) {
if (tile.el.merge) {
tile.el.className = "a c"
pos = tile.el.merge
setTimeout(function() {
tile.el.innerHTML = "<h3 class=" + ("h" + ~~(Math.log(tile.value) / 0.69)) + ">" + tile.value
}, 100)
} else {
tile.el.className = "a"
if (tile.el.merge) {
setTimeout(function() {
tile.el.innerHTML = "<h3 class=" + ("h" + ~~(Math.log(tile.value) / 0.69)) + ">" + tile.value
tile.el.className = "a b"
}, 100)
} else {
tile.el.innerHTML = "<h3 class=" + ("h" + ~~(Math.log(tile.value) / 0.69)) + ">" + tile.value
setPos(tile.el, pos)
tile.el.merge = 0
function gridupdate(opts) {
// update passes
// opts: dir = 1, col = 2, merge = 4
// W = number of moves
P(opts & 1, function(x, y, pos, tile) {
var next, tmp
if (opts & 2) {
x += opts & 1 ? 1 : -1
} else {
y += opts & 1 ? 1 : -1
if ((next = G[""+x+y]) && tile.value &&
// merge pass
((opts & 4 && next.value == tile.value) ||
// compact pass
(!(opts & 4) && next.value == 0))
) {
next.value += tile.value
tile.value = 0
if (opts & 4 && next.value) {
S += next.value
if (next.value > 2e3) GG()
tile.el.merge = next.el.merge = ""+x+y
tmp = next.el
next.el = tile.el
tile.el = tmp
return !(opts & 4)
return 0
function add() {
// add random tile
// R = list of empty tiles
R = []
P(0, function(x, y, pos, tile) {
if (!tile.value) R.push(tile)
var tile;
if (tile = R[~~(Math.random() * R.length)]) {
tile.value = Math.random()>.1?2:4
tile.el.innerHTML = "<h3 class=" + ("h" + ~~(Math.log(tile.value) / 0.69)) + ">" + tile.value
tile.el.className = ""
setPos(tile.el, tile.pos)
setTimeout(function() {
tile.el.className = "a d"
}, 10)
// 2 starting tiles
// add container to body
adopt(b, C)
// initial draw