- Author:
- Eben Packwood
- Twitter:
- @
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- /r/
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- Website:
- ebenpackwood.com
- Compo:
- classic
- Demo link:
- https://js1k.com/2014-dragons/demo/1771
- Shortlink:
- https://js1k.com/1771
- Blog post:
- please update here!
- Bytes:
- 1007
- Chars:
- 1007
- Submission
Y=600;Z=99;function k(e,f,k){m=[];for(D=0;9>D;D++)G=p[2*D]*e+p[2*D+1]*f,B=D?5>D?1/9:1/36:4/9,m[D]=B*k*(1+3*G+4.5*G*G-1.5*(e*e+f*f))}with(Math)S=sqrt,P=pow,F=floor,A=abs;l=[],m=[],r=1,p=[0,0,1,0,0,-1,-1,0,0,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1];I=c.createImageData(Y,Y);s=0,x=0;a.onmousemove=function(e){t=e.layerX;u=e.layerY;v=t-s;w=u-x;for(O=0;36>O;O++)g=F(t/6+O/6),h=F(u/6)+O%6,0<g&&98>g&&0<h&&98>h&&(J=l[g+Y*h],k(v&&v/A(v)/20,w&&w/A(w)/20,J.c),J.a=m);s=t;x=u};(function y(){L=I.data;for(n=0;Z*Z>n;n++){f=F(n/Z);e=n%Z;r&&(k(0,0,1),l[e+Y*f]={b:[],a:m,c:1,x:0,y:0});M=l[e+Y*f];C=M.a;T=C[1]+C[5]+C[8];U=C[3]+C[6]+C[7];W=T+U+C[0]+C[2]+C[4];M.x=(T-U)/W;M.y=(C[4]+C[7]+C[8]-C[2]-C[5]-C[6])/W;M.c=W;k(M.x,M.y,W);for(i=0;9>i;i++)M.b[i]=C[i]+1*(m[i]-C[i]);for(i=0;36>i;i++)V=4*(i%6+6*e+Y*(F(i/6)+6*f)),q=l[e+Y*f],L[V+1]=5E3*S(P(q.x,2)+P(q.y,2)),L[V+3]=Y}c.putImageData(I,0,0);for(Q=r=0;Z*Z>Q;Q++)for(f=F(Q/Z),e=Q%Z,K=0;9>K;K++)N=p[2*K]+e,R=p[2*K+1]+f,0<N&&Z>N&&0<R&&Z>R&&(l[N+Y*R].a[K]=l[e+Y*f].b[K]);requestAnimationFrame(y)})()
- Description
- A computational fluid dynamics simulation, using the Lattice Boltzmann methods.
- Base64 encoded
- Original source
var lattice_dim = 99; // lattice dimensions. 99 saves me 1 byte vs 100. I'm seriously that desperate
var lattice_sq = lattice_dim*lattice_dim; // total # of nodes
var lattice=[];
var x, x_pos, y_pos, d; // loop variables
var eq = []; // Instead of equilibrium() returning an array, we'll just use this one over and over again and hope we don't forget to initialize it before every use
var init=1; // This is only used once. Is there another variable that could be used instead?
//var count=0;
var ND = [0,0,1,0,0,-1,-1,0,0,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1];
var px_per_node = 6;
I = c.createImageData(600, 600);
var mousex = 0;
var mousey = 0;
function equilibrium(ux, uy, rho) {
// D = loop variable
// E = node_distribution index
// G = velocity * node direction... or something
// B = node weight
eq = [];
for (D = 0; D < 9; D++) {
// Calculate equilibrium value
G = (ND[D*2] * ux) + (ND[D*2+1] * uy);
// Find the node weight. I think this is more succinct than keeping
// an array of these values
if (D) {
B = (D<5)?1/9:1/36;
} else {
B = 4/9;
// Equilibrium equation
eq[D] = B * rho * (1 + 3*(G) + 4.5*(G*G) - 1.5*(ux * ux + uy * uy));
function stream(){
// Q = loop variable
// K = loop variable
// H = node directions index
// N = newx
// R = newy
for (Q = 0; Q < lattice_sq; Q++) {
y_pos = F(Q/lattice_dim);
x_pos = Q%lattice_dim;
for (K = 0; K < 9; K++) {
N = ND[K*2] + x_pos;
R = ND[K*2+1] + y_pos;
// Check if new node is in the lattice
// Cheat a little, though (N>0 instead of N>=0). For the bytes.
if (N > 0 && N < lattice_dim &&
R > 0 && R < lattice_dim) {
lattice[N+R*600].s[K] = lattice[x_pos+y_pos*600].d[K];
function collide(){
// Collide is going to draw and initialize, too, because LOL, why not?
// i = loop variable
// I = Image
// L = imagedata
// M = node
// C = dist
// T = d1
// U = d2
// W = rho
// V = index
L = I.data;
for (x = 0; x < lattice_sq; x++) {
y_pos = F(x/lattice_dim);
x_pos = x%lattice_dim;
if (init) {
// Inititialize lattice
// Distribution, stream, density (rho), x velocity, y velocity
lattice[x_pos+y_pos*600] = {d:[],s:eq,r:1,x:0,y:0};
M = lattice[x_pos+y_pos*600];
// Copy over values from streaming phase.
C = M.s;
// Calculate macroscopic density (rho) and velocity (ux, uy)
// and update values stored in node.
T = C[1] + C[5] + C[8];
U = C[3] + C[6] + C[7];
W = T + U + C[0] + C[2] + C[4];
M.x = (T - U) / W;
M.y = (C[4] + C[7] + C[8] - C[2] - C[5] - C[6]) / W;
// Update values stored in node.
M.r = W;
// Set node equilibrium for each velocity
equilibrium(M.x, M.y, W);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
M.d[i] = C[i] + (1 * (eq[i] - C[i]));
for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
V = 4*(i%6+6*x_pos+600*(F(i/6)+6*y_pos));
q = lattice[x_pos+y_pos*600];
// Surprisingly, floor is not required here.
// For some reason I thought ImageData didn't like floating point
// but it's actually not a problem
L[V+1] = S(P(q.x, 2) + P(q.y, 2))*4E3;
L[V+3] = Y; // Alpha. Setting this way above the max of 255. 2 bytes is 2 bytes.
c.putImageData(I, 0, 0);
function mousemove(e){
// Scale from canvas coordinates to lattice coordinates
// O = radius around mouse
// J = node
// t = new mouse x position
// u = new mouse y position
// v = delta x
// w = delta y
t = e.layerX;
u = e.layerY;
v = t-mousex;
w = u-mousey;
for (O = 0; O < 36; O++) {
g = F(t / px_per_node + O/6);
h = F(u / px_per_node) + O%6;
if (g>0&&g<98&&h>0&&h<98) {
J = lattice[g+h*600];
// x&&x/abs(v) == sign of x
// Note to future self: It's pretty important that we take the
// absolute value here. You might think you can save a few bytes
// by removing it, but I assure you it won't work.
equilibrium(v&&v/A(v)/20, w&&w/A(w)/20, J.r);
J.s = eq;
(function update(){